One Accenture Park

Accenture’s virtual onboarding hub that welcomed 50,000+ new joiners

Focus: Producer

Advisory: User Research

In the midst of COVID-19, One Accenture Park emerged as Accenture’s bold answer to immersively onboard new hires each year. Since launch this virtual onboarding hub has welcomed over 50,000 new joiners, where new employees can join via VR or desktop, unite with coworkers from across the world, and explore Accenture's cultural essence together.

Alongside a Sr. Producer, we were tasked with bringing structure and direction to the project and leading the production of the New Joiner Expo (NJXpo). This section of the park was designed with interactive learning moments and social spaces, aiming to foster connections and understanding. I also led early user research efforts to rapidly validate decisions, insights from which informed the development of "Accenture Launch" —a successor initiative that later won a Webby Award.

  • Joining the One Accenture Park (OAP) production halfway through required swift action to prioritize tasks, develop consensus among the team, and overcome obstacles efficiently. Main lessons below:

    • Clear Production Process: Having clear, structured production processes (such as Kanban, backlogs, sprints and playtesting) brought a sense of direction and confidence to the team. This also ensured sure our team was set up for success.

    • Consensus on Vision: The 26% increase in productivity stemmed directly from reducing project churn and declined work by achieving a consensus on a clear vision. Through collaborative tools such as bubble diagramming, top-down maps, greyboxing, and concept art, we bridged the gap between abstract ideas and specific implementations.

    • Mutually aligned initiatives: One Accenture Park is just an early piece of the puzzle, and wouldn’t be as successful without the support of other key projects. Project Avatar, for instance, involved providing 60,000 Quest 2 headsets to employees, while also creating a change network of 500+ volunteers who provide onboarding, QA, and playtesting support, and even contributes to building new worlds.

  • Diving into early user research was crucial for fine-tuning our approach to One Accenture Park and directly influenced the success of the "Accenture Launch" program. The insights we gathered were instrumental:

    • More Visuals and Interactivity: Feedback revealed a strong preference for stunning visuals and meaningful interactivity. This led us to introduce more engaging elements within the Park, such as making leadership essentials a climbable mountain. In Station 365, the team explored new content types like 360 videos and interactive shaders, further elevating the user experience.

    • Meeting Diverse User Needs: Our approach accommodated Accenture's wide demographic spectrum, ensuring the virtual onboarding was accessible and engaging for everyone. Starting users in a controlled environment with clear navigation instructions was key to making the experience welcoming for all.

    • Enhanced Social Connectivity: The desire for more social interaction within the virtual environment was clear. While we added social spaces with the Park, this insight significantly influenced the design of Station 365, where the team added sections with ice-breaker questions to encourage conversation.

    • Accept Diversity & Listen Strategically: We knew the experience might not appeal to everyone, however we still needed to be strategic when hearing feedback. For instance, when a user mentioned the vastness of the space as a drawback, we realized they meant how long it took to travel. This led to the implementation of interactive maps with a teleport feature, significantly improving navigation.

Fun fact: The insights we learned from user research inspired the design and build of the Webby-award-winning Accenture Launch. This new expanded onboarding program covers 4 different worlds with live event programming.